Castle Defender Saga is an intense battle simulation game in which you must defeat the enemy base before they very aggressively attack your wall.
By installing fortifications on your castle tower, you may fend off waves of tenacious adversaries. To boost your health and firepower, level up and upgrade your units.
You are responsible for organizing the castle defenses in Castle Defender Saga. You build up your defensive plan before each round, press play, and watch your forces engage waves of progressively more powerful enemies. You'll also have the opportunity to drastically improve your defenses just before the battle by viewing a brief advertisement.
You'll receive gold coins for each round you play. You may buy new units to put on your fortress with this cash. Mages, knights, bomberman, and summoners are some of these units.
Your defensive plan may be improved in every way. Your castle's health may be improved by adding additional archers. However, you may also improve each unit on its own. You can utilize mana to promote a unit after you've upgraded it ten times to give your fighter much more strength.